The sun comes out so I attach my solar powered phone charger to one of the trees and spend a lot of the afternoon lying out in the heat (in the loosest sense of the word but I take my opportunities when they come!). At six I fish out my cocktail shaker and fix myself a celebratory martini (or two) and toast the beautiful city that we live in and the powers that be who enabled me to set up camp in these waters. I’ve only ever had a martini once, in a very cool bar in the East Village and I thought it was the most vile thing I’ve ever tasted but surprisingly mine seem to taste a whole load better – maybe it’s the lack of ice.
I heat up a vacuum-packed veggie concoction and sit and watch the full moon rise over the Sam Beckett Bridge. I’m quite startled to notice a heron perched at the island’s edge deftly spearing passing spratts. It’s possibly the most exciting moment of my stay here so far. I gaze in awe for over an hour, admiring it’s ability to forage for dinner. I sleep soundly, no longer worried that my island might take flight in the night. If it can stand up to Hurricane Katia I reckon I’m safe enough.

1 comment:
I stumbled over my feet when I saw your island at lunchtime today on my way to marks & sparks - I had no idea what was going on until an American tourist had what you were doing explained to him by another passer-by. Maybe you should get a mate on land to put up some info on the quayside to explain what you are up to.
Other than that I really enjoyed watching you sun yourself on your deckchair.
Most of my colleagues back in the office didn't really believe me when I told them you were there, so you might get some more visitors after work today.
Apologies if you have already answered this elsewhere, but what are your plans for the island afterwards. Whatever you do please don't destroy it, as I am sure a use could be found for it.
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