The houses have been finished and after weeeks of deliberating I have finally decided to go with the battery option of lighting the houses. Back in May and June, in the early days of production, everybody told me solar power wasn't possible but two weeks ago I came across JTM, a fantastic company in Wicklow who worked out a way of lighting the houses. I was really excited as it meant we would never have to recharge the batteries again for subsequent showings of 'Liffeytown' in other locations.
Unfortunately the costs involved began to spiral and in the end I just couldn't afford it. After boring my wife for days with the pros and cons of both options I reluctantly went back to plan A and ordered the batteries and timers. However, with all the deliberation the window for ordering 11 very specialised 12 volt DC timeclocks had passed. They need to be made to order in Spain and of course everything closes down in Spain for August so I have to wait until late next week to see what can be done. It feels like I've ended up in an episode of 'Grand Designs' where there's always a delay on the triple glazed windows that have to be made in Norway therefore holding up the completion of the build!
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